All Hail Queen Fey

We arrived on set just in time to witness a scene from the third episode of the final season (which premieres October 4 at 8 p.m. on NBC), in which Fey’s Liz Lemon is appalled to learn a shocking secret about Tracy Jordan (Tracy Morgan). Explains Fey, “I discover that Tracy Jordan has tweeted, “I agree @theRealStephenHawking. Women are just not funny — never have been, never will be. #plotpoint.” (We won’t ruin the outcome for you, but suffice it to say that the resolution involves Lemon dressed in a lab coat and declaring, “Don’t thank me — thank Roe v. Wade!”)

… And of course we didn’t let her get away without giving us some scoop on 30 Rock‘s final season, which will involve a “sexual awakening” for Liz Lemon, a Skype conversation between Jack Donaghy and Ann Romney’s horse Rafalca, and the return of Matthew Broderick as Cooter. “I think it will be hard,” says Fey of ending the series. But there’s hope for us all, Fey fans, as it seems the 42-year-old multihyphenate isn’t done with the small screen just yet: “I would love to get another TV show on the air someday.”

via This Week’s Cover: Tina Fey on her career in comedy and saying goodbye to ’30 Rock’ | PopWatch |

My god I love Tina Fey. I wish we could just clone her and have a million more. SO MUCH LOVE.

I look forward to stealing this issue from a doctor’s office.

worst immune system ever

via It was brave of you to come into work with the flu and give us all the flu | Get Well Ecard |
Ugh totally. This will annoy me until the day I die from some illness a coworker gave me.





Easy peasy way to make your day better.

Report: It’s Not Okay To Just Start Talking To People You Don’t Know | The Onion



STANFORD, CA—Citing how devastatingly uncomfortable it makes people feel, a new report released by the Stanford University Sociology Department revealed Wednesday that it’s never okay to just start talking to someone you don’t know.

The report, which analyzed numerous conversations that took place over a nine-month period from September of last year through May, states that approaching a complete and total stranger and saying “Beautiful day,” “That’s nice, where did you get that?” or “Hello” is, under no circumstance, acceptable.

In fact, the study confirmed that in 0 percent of cases do individuals ever want to be spoken to by someone they don’t know, and that it is “downright wrong” to put people who are just going about their day in the awkward position of having to be polite and feign interest in what you—an unknown intruder, essentially—are saying.

“We found that the only people it’s appropriate to talk to are friends and relatives—no one else,” the study’s lead author, Dr. Simon Gamble, told reporters, adding that dads, senior citizens, and “people who think they’re being friendly but really need to just mind their own business” are typically guilty of trying to relate to unfamiliar people. “Ninety-five percent of the time, the people being talked to experience an extreme spike in anxiety. The only thoughts going through their heads during these unwanted conversations with strangers are ‘Stop talking to me. I don’t know you. Please go away.’”

“If you feel the urge to talk to someone you don’t know, the right thing to do is suppress the impulse and just leave that individual alone,” he continued, adding that cordially smiling at someone you’ve never met is also not okay. “It doesn’t matter if you both happen to be wearing the same T-shirt.”

The report indicates that even in situations in which you might share common circumstances with a stranger—such as when you are both in a long line that doesn’t seem to be moving, or are both experiencing hot, cold, nice, or terrible weather—it is unacceptable to verbally acknowledge that reality. The appropriate thing to do, the report notes, is to face forward and keep silent.

In addition, just because you are sitting next to someone you don’t know on a bus or airplane, that doesn’t give you any right to talk to that person, even if he or she is reading a book you once read. The study goes on to state that talking to an unfamiliar person in a setting where the individual essentially can’t escape the conversation is “one of the cruelest things one human being can do to another human being.”

“Often, the person being talked to will laugh at the other’s jokes,” Gamble said. “This is always fake laughter.”

The study confirmed the following people never want to be spoken to by a stranger: people eating at the same restaurant as you; someone who is wearing a pair of shoes or a hat you like; individuals who are also waiting for the same delayed train; coworkers; a man or woman who is using a laptop you are considering buying for yourself; an individual attending the same sporting event as you; a young person who works at a job you once had years ago; and anyone who has children or pets, especially if you are a person who also has children or pets.

“If you are an outgoing individual who likes striking up conversations with strangers, you are a source of constant discomfort in this world, and have nothing to offer but anxiety and pain,” said Dr. Andrea Malcolm, chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at Brown University. “People don’t care that you once owned the same car or cellular phone as them, or that you loved it. They don’t care about your opinion one way or the other. They just want you to stop making their lives a living hell.”

“To them,” Malcolm continued, “you might as well be a crazy person, because why are you talking to someone you don’t even know?”

According to the report, the people who are living correctly are those who don’t want to step outside their comfort zones and relate to others.

“Your comfort zone is there for a reason,” Gamble said. “It’s so you can stay comfortable. If someone breaches that by saying hello to you, that person is the asshole, not you. Remember that.”

via Report: It’s Not Okay To Just Start Talking To People You Don’t Know | The Onion – America’s Finest News Source.

I don’t even know how I could like this Onion article that much more. So perfect.

no way is the game as awesome as this image, but whatever

no way is the game as awesome as this image, but whatever

Online Reviews Of The Bible

13 Best Online Reviews Of The Bible.



A newly released video shows Tom Smith, a Republican Senate candidate in Pennsylvania, making a sexist remark during a Paul Ryan campaign event last week.

Tom Smith, the Republican Senate candidate from Pennsylvania who said earlier this week that pregnancy from rape was similar to “having a baby out of wedlock,” made another sexist remark to two women at a campaign event for vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan.

A video released Thursday by the Pennsylvania Democrats shows Smith, who introduced Ryan at an event last week, greeting two women in the crowd and asking them what they’re talking about.

“We’re talking about the power of petite women,” one of the women says.

“Oh,” Smith responds. “My guess would have been you were talking about shoes.”

Republicans have been working extra hard to appeal to female voters in order to distance themselves from Todd Akin’s notorious “legitimate rape” comment and to make their party appear more diverse. Candidates like Smith, who is challenging incumbent Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) in the November election, could potentially put a serious dent in that effort.

In addition to the “shoes” comment, Smith also made an odd economic analogy at a campaign event on Monday about a woman wrecking her husband’s car.

“Perhaps where we’re making our mistake is that we are asking President Obama and Senator Bob Casey to do something they have no knowledge of. They’ve never been in business, they’ve never ran [sic] businesses, they don’t have that knowledge,” Smith said. “It would be like, your wife wrecks your car. You’re gonna take it to the beauty salon to get fixed? No.”

Tom Smith’s campaign did not immediately return a request for comment.

via Tom Smith, GOP Senate Candidate, Assumes Women Are ‘Talking About Shoes’ At Paul Ryan Campaign Event.

Oh & if you don’t know the picture at the top, you must watch this:

apostrophe blasphemy

Religious Poster Commits Horrifying Sins Against Proper Apostrophe Usage | Happy Place.

Actually read through the whole thing if it doesn’t hurt your brain too much’s. If not, my favorite’s include’sssssss:


P.K’s (seriously can not figure out what this is)


EMO’S (lol)

LOUD MOUTH WOMEN (well this one makes sense at least)

maybe it’s maybelline

via Kim Kardashian lets fans in on her beauty secrets as she charts makeover process | Mail Online.


Please pardon the Kardash, but I was amazed at the amount of makeup (or, I guess, the amount of under-the-makeup stuff) used. My face itches just thinking about it. I knew they used a lot of cosmetics  for cover shoots but my lord. Wouldn’t it just be easier to photoshop in everything?




McSweeney’s Internet Tendency: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Better Than You Normally Do

‘The Ultimate Guide to Writing Better Than You Normally Do’ by Colin Nissan

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Writing is a muscle. Smaller than a hamstring and slightly bigger than a bicep, and it needs to be exercised to get stronger. Think of your words as reps, your paragraphs as sets, your pages as daily workouts. Think of your laptop as a machine like the one at the gym where you open and close your inner thighs in front of everyone, exposing both your insecurities and your genitals. Because that is what writing is all about.


Procrastination is an alluring siren taunting you to Google the country where Balki from Perfect Strangers was from, and to arrange sticky notes on your dog in the shape of hilarious dog shorts. A wicked temptress beckoning you to watch your children, and take showers. Well, it’s time to look procrastination in the eye and tell that seafaring wench, “Sorry not today, today I write.”


The blank white page. El Diablo Blanco. El Pollo Loco. Whatever you choose to call it, staring into the abyss in search of an idea can be terrifying. But ask yourself this; was Picasso intimidated by the blank canvas? Was Mozart intimidated by the blank sheet music? Was Edison intimidated by the blank lightbulb? If you’re still blocked up, ask yourself more questions, like; Why did I quit my job at TJ Maxx to write full-time? Can/should I eat this entire box of Apple Jacks? Is The Price is Right on at 10 or 11?


Mark Twain once said, “Show, don’t tell.” This is an incredibly important lesson for writers to remember; never get such a giant head that you feel entitled to throw around obscure phrases like “Show, don’t tell.” Thanks for nothing, Mr. Cryptic.


Finding a really good muse these days isn’t easy, so plan on going through quite a few before landing on a winner. Beware of muses who promise unrealistic timelines for your projects or who wear wizard clothes. When honing in on a promising new muse, also be on the lookout for other writers attempting to swoop in and muse-block you. Just be patient in your search, because the right muse/human relationship can last a lifetime.


There are two things more difficult than writing. The first is editing, the second is expert level Sudoku where there’s literally two goddamned squares filled in. While editing is a grueling process, if you really work hard at it, in the end you may find that your piece has fewer words than it did before. Which, is great. Perhaps George Bernard Shaw said it best when upon sending a letter to a close friend, he wrote, “I’m sorry this letter is so long, I didn’t have time to make it shorter.” No quote better illustrates the point that writers are very busy.


It’s so easy to hide in your little bubble, typing your little words with your little fingers on your little laptop from the comfort of your tiny chair in your miniature little house. I’m taking this tone to illustrate the importance of developing a thick skin. Remember, the only kind of criticism that doesn’t make you a better writer is dishonest criticism. That, and someone telling you that you have weird shoulders.


It’s no secret that great writers are great readers, and that if you can’t read, your writing will often suffer. Similarly, if you can read but have to move your lips to get through the longer words, you’ll still be a pretty bad writer. Also, if you pronounce “espresso” like “expresso.”


Part of finding your own voice as a writer is finding your own grammar. Don’t spend your career lost in a sea of copycats when you can establish your own set of rules. If everyone’s putting periods at the end of their sentences, put yours in the middle of words. Will it be incredibly difficult to read? Yes it will. Will it set you on the path to becoming a literary pioneer? Tough to say, but you’re kind of out of options at this point.


A writer’s brain is full of little gifts, like a piñata at a birthday party. It’s also full of demons, like a piñata at a birthday party in a mental hospital. The truth is, it’s demons that keep a tortured writer’s spirit alive, not Tootsie Rolls. Sure they’ll give you a tiny burst of energy, but they won’t do squat for your writing. So treat your demons with the respect they deserve, and with enough prescriptions to keep you wearing pants.

via McSweeney’s Internet Tendency: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Better Than You Normally Do..

*I bolded whatever I felt like. McSweeney is amazing, as always.