“Life was simpler when cats had eyebrows”

This grim kitty single-handedly dismantled the patriarchy.

via 23 Ugly Medieval Cat Paintings That Will Speak To Your Soul

If you ever need to retrieve your severed penis from a cat (or, I guess, any severed penis), apparently fish will do the trick.

Designer of AMAZING ’90s jazz cup pattern found

The intense passion of a nostalgic corner of the Internet flared up last week, with a post on a popular web forum. The anonymous user wanted to find the person behind a design so commonplace you’ve never thought about it. It’s just there. When you ask if you can get some water … when you opt for the combo meal … when you’re given a drink in the hospital.

A continuous broad teal brushstroke, topped with a finer purple one. If that doesn’t ring a bell, imagine it on disposable cups. Over the past couple decades, the pattern has been mass produced on millions of them, in addition to other products. The design is called “Jazz,” and it has an oddly passionate fan base. You can buy it on T-shirts. It’s been spotted on cars. It has a few thousand fans on Facebook.

Source: The Internet is looking for who designed this cup. What does Springfield have to do with it?

my hero

Interesting story of the internet searching for, and finding, the best designer of all time.

water faucet spirals

A London student recently designed this conservation-friendly faucet that swirls your water into captivating geometric patterns as soon as you turn on the tap. The faucet weaves small jets of water into intricate, cross-hatched designs that look like they belong on delicate crystal glassware. The faucet head is a simple, minimalistic curve, making the designs it spouts out all the more delightful.

via Magnificent Faucet Swirls Water into Elegant Patterns – My Modern Met.

This is SO pretty. Also, now I have to pee.

Renaissance Babies Who Can’t Even

39 Renaissance Babies Who Can't Even

This baby just can’t anymore.

They simply cannot. Via Ugly Renaissance Babies.

via 39 Renaissance Babies Who Can’t Even.


Fans have embraced the ad almost like it’s one of the podcast’s many compelling characters. Jokes about the pronunciation of Mail … Kimp? have developed into their own meme. (For the record, MailChimp says there is no official spelling of the now-famous mispronunciation, but the company did register MailKimp.com.)

via Here’s the Story Behind Serial’s Adorable MailChimp Ad – The Atlantic.

I ❤ Serial & MailKimp

you do?? YES.

serial tweets

I put my hand upon your hip/ when I gif you gif we gif

all pretty adorable!


12 Flat Design Animated GIFs | Designvertise.

man fined for pretending to be ghost in cemetery


A man who flapped his arms about in a cemetery, making ghost noises within earshot of mourners visiting graves was fined and given a suspended prison sentence.

Anthony Stallard, 24, was reported to police after he was seen throwing himself backwards and saying ‘wooooooh’ at Kingston Cemetery in his home town of Portsmouth, the city’s magistrates heard.

via Portsmouth man fined for pretending to be GHOST in Kingston Cemetery | Mail Online.

where’s the bus stop?

via waiting for the BUS inside a giant typographic sculpture by mmmm….

Great for dumb dumbs like me.

Every Outfit Shelley Long Wears in Troop Beverly Hills

VIA Every Outfit Shelley Long Wears in Troop Beverly Hills, Ranked.

I’m not 100% on all the commentary, but I am 110% that TBH is forever and Shelley Long is amazing.

Fantastic post idea.

’90s Alt-Rock Vocal Hook Supercut via YouTube

Doo doo doo, doo doo-doo doo…