“Life was simpler when cats had eyebrows”

This grim kitty single-handedly dismantled the patriarchy.

via 23 Ugly Medieval Cat Paintings That Will Speak To Your Soul

If you ever need to retrieve your severed penis from a cat (or, I guess, any severed penis), apparently fish will do the trick.

Designer of AMAZING ’90s jazz cup pattern found

The intense passion of a nostalgic corner of the Internet flared up last week, with a post on a popular web forum. The anonymous user wanted to find the person behind a design so commonplace you’ve never thought about it. It’s just there. When you ask if you can get some water … when you opt for the combo meal … when you’re given a drink in the hospital.

A continuous broad teal brushstroke, topped with a finer purple one. If that doesn’t ring a bell, imagine it on disposable cups. Over the past couple decades, the pattern has been mass produced on millions of them, in addition to other products. The design is called “Jazz,” and it has an oddly passionate fan base. You can buy it on T-shirts. It’s been spotted on cars. It has a few thousand fans on Facebook.

Source: The Internet is looking for who designed this cup. What does Springfield have to do with it?

my hero

Interesting story of the internet searching for, and finding, the best designer of all time.

is it a f-ing baby wheeel?

NSFW as it contains 5 billion curses. God bless this guy. I keep playing this in the background and can’t stop giggling.

“That’s a tuner bro! Jay, that’s a tuner or something. Jay, look at it. Come on. Oh man, Jay, let’s pull it in dude. LOOK AT THAT FUCKING THING. OH MY GOD. HO-LY SHIT. OH MY GOD, man. We are seeing some shit we ain’t never seen before…”

Source: Michael Bergin

Sorry- I’m Not Good at People-ing



Sorry. I’m Not Good at… | T-Shirts, Tank Tops, Sweatshirts and Hoodies | HUMAN.

Pictures of People Scanning QR-codes tumblr

Pictures of People Scanning QR-codes.


gluten free museum


water faucet spirals

A London student recently designed this conservation-friendly faucet that swirls your water into captivating geometric patterns as soon as you turn on the tap. The faucet weaves small jets of water into intricate, cross-hatched designs that look like they belong on delicate crystal glassware. The faucet head is a simple, minimalistic curve, making the designs it spouts out all the more delightful.

via Magnificent Faucet Swirls Water into Elegant Patterns – My Modern Met.

This is SO pretty. Also, now I have to pee.

Exit the Noid

[…]Then, right at the height of his popularity, the Noid endured perhaps the worst mascot PR in history.

On January 30, 1989, a man wielding a .357 magnum revolver stormed into a Domino’s in Atlanta, Georgia and took two employees hostage. For five hours, he engaged in a standoff with police, all the while ordering his hostages to make him pizzas. Before the police could negotiate with his demands ($100,000, a getaway car, and a copy of The Widow’s Son – a novel about Freemasons), the two employees escaped. In the ensuing chaos, the captor fired two gunshots into the establishment’s ceiling, was forcefully apprehended, and received charges of kidnapping, aggravated assault, and theft by extortion.

The assailant, a 22-year-old named Kenneth Lamar Noid, was apparently upset about the chain’s new mascot. A police officer on the scene later revealed that Noid had “an ongoing feud in his mind with the owner of Domino’s Pizza about the Noid commercials,” and thought the advertisements had specifically made fun of him. A headline the following morning in the Boca Raton News sparked a talk show frenzy: “Domino’s Hostages Couldn’t Avoid the Noid This Time.”

via The Downfall of Domino’s Mascot: The Noid – disinformation.


Broad City


And what about offscreen—has success changed the two?

Jacobson: “Ilana has become pretty much a diva. She has a lot of assistants, but she doesn’t know their names. . . . She never takes the subway anymore. She won’t take the stairs. Not even an escalator…. And when someone doesn’t recognize Ilana? She lets them have it.”

Glazer: “Abbi has changed. She has those sneakers with the wheels on the heels and now she only slides places. . . . And she also wears wigs. She shaved her head and she doesn’t want to give that to America.”

via Broad City’s Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer | Vanity Fair.

I’m obsessed with this show and these magnificent ladies right now.